Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

13th Anniversary Concert

13 May - 13 May

At Sun Plaza the number 13 is this year the luckiest number! Why? Because this year we celebrate 13 years of special moments with you! Are you curious about what surprises the future can offer you, but also how to get luck and prosperity? There’s only one way to find out – by celebrating with us on May 13th!
What surprises written in the stars do we predict for this lucky day?
At 17:00, on the South Esplanade, an authentic concert awaits you with Lupii lui Calancea, opening with a magical and mysterious moment with Magitot and ending with the moment expected by both adults and children: the cutting the birthday cake!
Between 15:00 and 20:00, in the Sun Atrium, on the ground floor, another surprise awaits you! Are you brave enough to discover your destiny and believe you were born under a lucky star? Our fortune tellers are ready to give you all the details, so come and find out all the hidden secrets of your future!
From 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, in the Sun Atrium on the ground floor, take pictures at the lucky photo booth, brought from overseas and countries!
We are waiting for you in large numbers!

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