Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

Voluntary blood donation at Sun Plaza

19 Oct - 20 Oct
South Esplanade
09:00 - 13:00

Parodontax smiles with the voluntary donation of blood.
The mobile blood donation center is waiting for you on October 19 and 20 on the Sun Plaza esplanade, between 09:00 and 13:00.

You are between the ages of 18 and 60;
You have the weight between 50-100 kg (women) and 60-110 kg (men);
You have not undergone surgery or dental surgery in the last 3 months;
You are not pregnant, during the period of laxity or during the menstrual period (it must pass at least 5 days from the last day of menstruation);
You have not consumed fats or alcoholic beverages at least 48 hours prior to donation;
You have not suffered from diseases that are incompatible with blood donation.
More information can be found on:

Complete the form and you are consulted by the doctor (anamnesis, tension, weight, etc.) to determine if you can donate;
Tests are done to determine blood group, RH and hemoglobin;
Donate 450 ml of blood;
You rest 10 minutes after donating.

Every day, thousands of people need blood transfusions or blood preparations to survive. Your blood can help save them.

Your immunity increases, the risk of stroke and paralysis decreases by 30%;
The following blood tests are performed free of charge: HR, blood group, hepatitis B and C, HIV (AIDS), HTLV (leukemia), VDRL (syphilis), ALT (liver tests).

You must have your ID card and prepare your body: rest, drink plenty of fluids and have a low fat breakfast (instead of butter, fat, semi-prepared foods, etc. choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, boiled eggs, weak dairy products). Do not smoke one hour before and after the donation.

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