Sun Plaza Shopping Center

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Sun Talks: Extra #love for Instagram

17 Oct - 17 Oct
First Floor
11:00 - 14:00

Alex Damian, Georgiana and Marian Ionescu and Marian Hurducaș talk on October 17 at Sun Talks about “Extra #love for Instagram” – about how to optimize your page, what cameras you need and how to take the most likeable pictures.

The “Sun Talks” seminars have reached their fourteenth edition, are free and take place in Sun Plaza. This fall’s edition is in collaboration with World of Instagram, a creative concept that brings together inspirational content creators for the general public. The topic “Extra #love for Instagram” refers to the way in which Instagram has become an extension of our personality in Social Media, and the speakers will talk about the need to have pages that represent us and that are well optimized.

Alex Damian, a photographer and content creator, gave up corporate life to pursue personal projects. He likes to inspire through images, and when it comes to photography style he says “it’s good to try them all and see where you feel most comfortable. The same happens with your own style, which you get to shape the more you photograph.”

Georgiana and Marian Ionescu are a couple who gave up their life in the agency and chose to become entrepreneurs, presenting the story of their lives through videos on YouTube and pictures on Instagram. On their pages you will find inspiration, from new holiday locations to everyday life. At Sun Talks you will get to know them better.

Marian Hurducaș is a marketing consultant and thinks that “when we talk about trends in a field such as marketing, we should look at fashion. All the time in fashion there are some trends that come to the fore every year, but you adopt them or not. I think you should only adopt the ones that suit you and give you the result you expect. ”

Sun Talks takes place on October 17, from 11.00, in Sun Plaza, on the 1st floor, in the central area. Admission is free, but you must register on
The seminar will be broadcast live on the Sun Plaza Facebook page and YouTube channel.

If yousign up for the seminar, please arrive 30 minutes before the start of the seminar, in order to register.

The media partners are: NO.MAD Talks and COSMOPOLITAN magazine.

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